To produce an impact within the community by getting Single undivided Christians to become actively working on the things of God in efforts to further the Kingdom. To understand singleness is a gift and should be a benefit so that you can serve the Lord best with as few distractions as possible all while remaining Holy in your body and in spirit.
To produce an impact within the community by getting Men to become actively working on the things of God in efforts to further the Kingdom.
To produce an impact within the community by getting Women to become actively working on the things of God in efforts to further the Kingdom. A woman has been given the responsibility to speak, have an establish role and work in furthering God’s Kingdom Legacy.
Our Goal is to Prepare our Nearly Weds, Build our Newly Weds, Upgrade
our More Experienced Marriages, & Revive Lifeless Marriages by Revealing &
Teaching how to Embody the Sacred Union God Intended for us to Have.
100 and Nothing Less is the motto. Cultivating young adults and teens into being bold believers in this day in age through fellowship,disciipleship and redefining what “Fun” actually means.